VeronicaAN's blog

The second riding experience of my life was last Saturday. It really felt like the first one by the end of it, the same soreness of the rear end and the same exhilarating feeling. In the group of five horses with their riders mine was the third. I had a little horse who was actually a mare by the name of Kate. I don’t know what was up with her.

Didn’t you wish that life was more like in the movies? When there’s a good turn of events, a happy, lively tune is played in the background. Everyone seems to sway and smile and dance their lives according to the music played, the sun shines brighter, the colors of the things around are popping out, the wind blows in the right direction making the hair flow not too crazy, but just right.

I think there are a few things in our lives which we believe that are perfect just the way they are. Like my mom’s noodle soup. I have never eaten a more perfect noodle soup than my mom’s. I have tried many noodle soups in my life, even the ones made by myself. Not even one came close to the perfection of my mom’s.

To tell you the truth I love organized places. They give me peace of mind, they make me less worried and stressed out. I am relaxed and happy in an orderly environment. The good vibes for me are in a prim and uncluttered place.

I am not saying I can always keep my space in good order. That is an ideal to which I strive but am very aware I cannot attain with two three boys (4, 7 and 39) around. Reading this article though, I was encouraged.

In logo design as in art, designers are all looking for ideas which will strike the customers as original and powerful. A powerful logo is the first step forward in the advancement of a company, hence the efforts to create it in a way to attract and convince. One of the methods used in these artistic efforts is the incompleteness of the typeface. 

Hey all. Did you miss me? I missed seeing the beautiful, witty logo creations you guys are up to. Yesterday, I took the day to get in the mood of blogging here again. I was mesmerised by the fun work I saw on The Logo Mix. On the other hand I missed writing here. That is why I am back to you with new stuff, which I hope you will find concise, informative and helpful. 

Recent research published in the Journal of Consumer Psychology identifies three factors which help in the building of a strong emotional attachment to brands: enticement, enablement and enrichment. 

In a previous article we talked about the secrets of a great logo design.

Remember, Logo The Great? 

May is here and we're back with a new Logos of the Month selection. Given that the number of logo designs added to the logo gallery in April was huge, we've had a hard time picking just ten logos. We have decided than instead of just having 10 best logos, we will expand the selection and create a longer logo design list.

Let me introduce you Logo the Great. While looking at it you might find it somewhat simple and stark. It tells you a little from a first impression but it kindda makes you want to find out more, doesn't it? It sometimes turns its back at you letting you guess… You can remember it - who can't? Even your five-year-old can describe it, no problem. It lingers even when it has only its black clothes on. It sure makes you think it means business.