Very Cool Monsters and Ghosts Logos

People are usually afraid of what they don't know, of the things they can't understand and control. I assume this is the case with monsters and ghosts. But, in an age without myths and fairytales, people needed to handle those concepts in some way, so they transformed them into something casual, friendly and fun. They also emptied these concepts of their original meaning and gave them an abstract understanding. Most of us live two types of lives in the same time... one in the real world and another one in the virtual space. Monsters and ghosts find a renewed life in the virtual space. Emptied of the content from the real life, they begin to live again in the world of gaming and internet.

I've made a selection of ghosts and monsters logos and I've asked myself, who would want to associate its image and brand with the word monster and why? And of course I've found some big companies that did just that and are no less than successful. Why? Because, if we empty the word of its real world corespondent and use it as a metaphor, we end up with an interesting and desirable concept. An abstract monster is different, unique, aggressive, it doesn't play by the general rule and in the end, if you're not afraid of it, you end up respecting it. Similarly, the ghost has changed its original meaning and through movies and cartoons it became a friendly and fun character.

Check the monsters and ghost logos below and look at the ways designers used these metaphors to convey a certain meaning and communicate a strong and unique message. In a world in which we've seen everything and remember everything, weirdness has become a desirable attribute and attitute just because its different. "Common" is a platitude and seems to have become boring.


Magic Ghost Logo by Mathias Hoeckmeier


Monsters Golf Logo by 13mu


Monster Pizza Logo by Alan Oronoz Madriles


Wip Logo by tass


Pilomon Logo by lboi


Monster Finans Logo by muku


Dot Monster Logo by Type08


El Mostro Logo by lupocool


Monster Studio Logo by Aneta


Mutant Melon Logo by MrMurray