Awesome Portrait Logo Designs

We'll end this week with an amazing selection of portrait logo designs. I think you need to be a very accomplished designer to be able to pull this off the right way. It's about creating expression, posture and feel and, as we're talking logo design, beyond everything, I think it is important  to carefully select the right amount of details. In today's logo designs you'll see a full range of portrait logos varying from simple to most complex, from few lines portraits to intricate and minutely detailed art works. Check out these awesome portrait logo designs and get inspired!

Anna's Choice Logo by Breno Bitencourt


Keith Cakes Logo by Marc Katsambis


Soap Basket Logo by Bojana Ninkovic


Lisa Logo by webcoredesign


Ekaterina Logo by Oleg Makarov


Villa Vino Raca Logo by communication-agency


Barrabas Logo by Christian Castro Antolin


Geisha Logo by ru_ferret


Barber Logo by Sergey Babenko


Bright Angel Logo by devey


El Coche Caffe Logo by Rudy


Ruben's Nuts Logo by Alan Oronoz Madriles