Logo Design Blog

A journey into the world of four non-profit organizations and the story behind their logos.

Jon Klassen is a famous illustrator and designer born in Canada but now based in LA California. He worked for many famous clients including BBC and U2.

Logo design is the graphical representation of a business, a tool that gives the first impression of a business.

A unique, recognizable identity or 'corporate logo' has become an essential part of business strategy and success so it's vital that proper consideration be given to this aspect.

Today at our Friday Fonts, we invite you to download and play with a few fonts from Dirt2. Below is a small selection from their free fonts collection - feel free to browse, install and buy a licence if you use them for commercial purposes. Enjoy!

A brand represents the spirit and the soul of a company. The customer's perception brings a brand to life; a brand isn't what marketers say it is but what the customer thinks it is. For a brand the customer is the alfa and omega.

Jon Klassen is a famous illustrator and designer born in Canada but now based in LA California. He worked for many famous clients including BBC and U2.

We all know that promotion needs a little "extra" to really hit the spot. It seems Peter Shankman had that "extra" when he decided to go for an unconventional business card.